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1957 Started playing with my cousin

1958-9 Six Thunders - pubs/ Grasshoppers - dance halls

1960 Starliners with Dario Capaldi on Sax

1960 Johnny Neal, Monk joined - clubs and pubs

1961 Reg Calvert club circuit/ Pathe News Movie

1961 Hamburg [Beatles, Gerry and the Pacemakers, Roy Young etc] and France, back to UK backing various incl Vince Eager, and other southern acts.

1963 Shows [2] with the Beatles/ poster /emigrated to Canada

1964 Saw Vince Eager on TV/party/Wolff Records - ‘Dee and the Yeomen’

1964 TV, Radio, Newspapers, Buffalo exposure re Wolff - Harry Finegold Introduction became Manager.

1965 'Night Ow'l Coffee House. Many releases on different labels US-Peru-Australia-Germany etc. Much local TV and Radio.

1966 cross Canada Tour, Ditto above [check Billboard stuff]

1967 to late-1968 ‘Dee and the Quotum’ sax trumpet added, [Len back on drums] - clubs/touring/Blue Orchid

1969 Sound Canada-Jay Boy Int. record out. [John Lovett fronted]

1970 ‘Daybreak’ London/American Single with Trio [Len and Monk]

1971 ‘Penny Blue’with Ernie Lyons - clubs

1972 ‘Chester’ with Jim Mancell [later ‘Make my life a little bit brighter’

1973 Band Management with Cobus Agency [six name bands]


2013 Rosedale Village Singers

2018 Guest Apperance at the Brampton Festival Singers Concert 'Far Out' the Beatles re-imagined.


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